PETER GABRIEL | 14 September 2023 BOSTON, MA - TD Garden (i/o: The Tour) ***SPOILER***

    • Official Post

    PETER GABRIEL - i/o: The Tour 2023

    14 September 2023 BOSTON, MA - TD Garden

    Transport of equipment to venue was delayed. Soundcheck was still ongoing when doors were opened.


    Washing Of The Water
    Growing Up

    Four Kinds Of Horses


    Digging In The Dirt

    Playing For Time

    Olive Tree

    This Is Home


    Love Can Heal
    Road To Joy

    Don’t Give Up

    The Court

    Red Rain

    And Still

    Big Time

    Live And Let Live

    Solsbury Hill

    In Your Eyes


    All tour dates and ticket info

    Post your show comments, photos etc here.

  • Playing for time from Boston

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  • Was wonderful. I have some extremely faulty footage I will try to upload at some point to share in case it would please anyone. I tried to record but I guess I kept my eye on Pete or not on the camera and often slipped of the hand so it's just the headless Peter singing oh well. Had some snafu issues with the record button actually being pressed and then stopped so I missed footage I really wanted hopefully someone else got it. I was on the side in second row. I thought the visuals were fantastic and he did a great job. I was disappointed there were no posters for sale and that the shirts were kind of bland and design compared to the creative visuals of the show and the whole link with art I thought there would be more in touch with that. Oh well. Maybe we'll do something like after the Genesis show and even after the tour is basically wrapped release a nice poster or shirt or both for it. I hope there's some official recording from the tour this was a great one. Especially fond of Love Heals paired with Darkness and Road to Joy.

    • Official Post

    Was wonderful. I have some extremely faulty footage I will try to upload at some point to share in case it would please anyone. I tried to record but I guess I kept my eye on Pete or not on the camera and often slipped of the hand so it's just the headless Peter singing oh well. Had some snafu issues with the record button actually being pressed and then stopped so I missed footage I really wanted hopefully someone else got it. I was on the side in second row. I thought the visuals were fantastic and he did a great job. I was disappointed there were no posters for sale and that the shirts were kind of bland and design compared to the creative visuals of the show and the whole link with art I thought there would be more in touch with that. Oh well. Maybe we'll do something like after the Genesis show and even after the tour is basically wrapped release a nice poster or shirt or both for it. I hope there's some official recording from the tour this was a great one. Especially fond of Love Heals paired with Darkness and Road to Joy.

    all good!

    You enjoyed the show, that's more important than videos and photos

  • Does anyone know without really expensive software how to take a few second clip a video and another clip and join them together in one file without losing resolution or quality? Apparently a lot of my stuff was being very faulty and I got a few seconds here a few seconds there I know it's nothing great but I wanted to put it together for me as one single file at least per song. I'm a bit intrigued where also I had camera snafu but was able to get some stills to throw those in as I've seen done but I have no idea how to go about doing this. A similar but completely different issue is stability of camera shake I know that stuff for this exists but I don't even know where to start and I don't have much budget to be going into pro level stuff is there any such thing as freeware that does this or any point or some people? Thank you everyone.