13, 14, 19 March 2022 | Genesis live in COLOGNE | reports

    • Official Post

    13, 14, 19 March 2022

    GENESIS live in COLOGNE - Lanxess-Arena: The Last Domino? Tour


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    GENESIS - Which shows of THE LAST DOMINO? UK / European Tour 2021/22 will you see?

    • Official Post

    A few words about the last of three Cologne gigs.

    They played three sold out shows, 14,000 people in the audience each. The Genesis tour here in Germany was the first after a long lockdown for big arena show, so it was also special from this side.

    What was special about show number 3 in Cologne...?

    It was the last ever show in Germany, so I had plenty of nostalgic feelings. Despite this, there was no special speech about this being the last show. At the end, he even said "Auf Wiedersehen" - but this is a German Goodbye-phrase with a sense of "see you again", but never mind, it was nice gesture and how could he lknow?

    Anyway, the show had a couple of "moments"

    Phil's voice sounded stronger again, but he forgot a couple of words

    The lighting dominos above the stage didn't work well - they didn't come down during Second Home By The Sea and they still had issues during I Know What I Like.

    Tony made a mistake during The Cinema Show. Mike and Nic immediately put things right and the band was quickly back on track.

    At the end of Throwing It All Away, Phil was struggling finding the right time to start the ending verse, so the track became a bit longer than usual.

    And Merch was solling the box of Dominos that were part of the VIP packages

  • It sounds like you enjoyed the shows Christian. I wonder if you feel, like me, that although Phil’s voice is not so good, the shows were maybe more fun than 2007? I saw them in Manchester that day and felt he was going through the motions a bit as if it was all too much effort. Of course we now know he was in some pain.

    Now he clearly is up against some health issues but the whole band seemed to be enjoying their swan song. Also, having seen them, do you think they are right not to release recordings of the tour?

    Anyway, hope you had a great time and thanks for all of the work you put into this site, especially during this tour

    • Official Post

    Yes, I enjoyed them. I also think this tour is stronger / better than the 2007 tour. The band plays tighter and Phil's condition makes this whole experience ... more honest? Not sure how to put it.

  • Regarding comments above from Thelawnmower and Christian, based on the Glasgow show I attended and posts on here I do feel there is something better about this tour compared to 07. That seems odd given their front man is now restricted in his physical performance but it's about the spirit of these shows. I too find it intangible but it's there.

    Abandon all reason

  • Christian

    Changed the title of the thread from “13, 14, 19 March 2022 | Genesis live in COLOGNE | reports **SPOILERS**” to “13, 14, 19 March 2022 | Genesis live in COLOGNE | reports”.