Turn It On Again – Anatomy Of A Tour is the title of the book that has finally reached merchandising stalls just before the end of Genesis’ European “selection of shows”. What is in it? We have checked it out for you.
Anthony Mathile accompanied Phil Collins on the Eastern Europe and Near East leg of his First Final Farewell tour 2005. The documentary he made has now been published on DVD. We took a good look…
Raindrops stop falling on my head…That is the title Martin Klinkhardt has chosen for his report from the Munich show, and it describes the German shows quite well. Munich was the last German stop on Genesis’ tour, and when the show began it was raining … for the last time … for the time being.
Right before the first Genesis concert in Düsseldorf, German, on June 26, 2007, Helmut Janisch and Christian Gerhardts met Genesis’ tour drummer for an it interview.
In 2007 Peter Gabriel toured at the same time as Genesis. He began with two shows in Gelsenkirchen and surprised the audience by playing the fans’ wishlist. Christian Gerhardts and Udo Lampenscherf report.
Brussels, 04/06/2007 – Genesis play a dress rehearsal to some 250 people: a show with the full production. It took place at Expo Hall 5. The GNC staff were there and Christian Gerhardts describes his impressions.
Rereleases with bonus material are always popular. Just in time for the tour there has been a re-release of the Hits compilation (originally 1999) as an extended limited edition and the additional label “tour edition”. Find out whether it is worth getting.
In early April 2007 we did a long interview with Daryl Stuermer. There were two reasons to talk: Daryl has released his new studio album Go at InsideOut, and the live comeback of the most successful incarnation of Genesis was close at hand. Christian Gerhardts spoke with Daryl.
You have the word: The Musical Box are touring Europe for the last time with the Selling England and Foxtrot shows, and we will be happy to publish your reports here. These here are from the Royal Albert Hall, London.