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Anthony Phillips – Recording Compendium: Overview and Introduction
Anthony Phillips has produced a rather confusing musical output since leaving Genesis. The Compendium is an attempt to sort out these recordings. This introduction gives an overview of the structure of the compendium.
As a founding member of Genesis, Anthony Phillips is still overshadowed by his popular ex-colleagues, although he was an indispensable motivator and mainly responsible for the continuity of the band during the first three years. Besides the first two Genesis albums From Genesis To Revelation, Trespass and numerous demo recordings, there were already beginnings of solo activities in the 60s. And finally he was the first of the Genesis family to establish a home studio for his own recordings. This offered him early on to document music pieces independently of expensive studios, of which he made extensive use all these years. Phillips used his release concepts of the Private Parts & Pieces albums, later Archive Collections and the Missing Links series to compile recordings from different periods. In addition, there were always bonus tracks and bonus discs from various re-release phases, compilation contributions and session work with other artists, which makes it almost impossible to keep track of the large number of releases.
With this chronologically structured compendium, we attempt to reassign the many recordings from over five decades to the original periods of origin. With regard to Anthony Phillip’s second mainstay, the commissioned works for music publishers for TV & film productions, we limit ourselves in the main sections to the commercially published works, as the total of more than 1000 listed works would go beyond the scope of this compendium. If you would like to browse through these “Library Pieces”, you can do so on this extra page.
Also, Ant was involved in a couple of songs between 2010 and 2013, which had vocals and featured Lettie Maclean and Chris White. You can also find an overview / review about those tracks in a separate Library Songs article here.
A brief overview of Anthony Phillip’s main albums, the recording periods covered and the latest remaster status can be found at the bottom of the page.

Part 1 – 1966 – 1976

Part 2 – 1977 – 1979
Wise After The Event / Gypsy Suite / Sides / Back To The Pavilion

Part 3 – 1980 – Juni 1983

Part 4 – Juli 1983 – Frühjahr 1988

Part 5 – Sommer 1988 – Februar 1994

Part 6 – Frühjahr 1994 – Frühjahr 2001

Part 7 – Sommer 2001 – Frühjahr 2012

Part 8 – Sommer 2012 – heute

As a rule, the tracks – as far as known – are listed in chronological order of creation (not release date!). The parties usually end after the creative phases of the respective main albums and start from the phase in which new material was worked on.
“Basic mixes” or “work in progress mixes” of album tracks, even if released or created in later years, are listed before the final (album) versions.
Due to the sometimes very dense sequence of releases and temporal overlaps of different projects, this structure cannot always be applied consistently. Furthermore, we understand all parties as “living documents” that can be further developed at any time.
Clarification of terms and formattings used
(addition in round brackets and bold font)= officially published title addition.
If certain tracks had working titles or were published with different titles, these are also added in round brackets ().
“Basic mixes” or “work in progress mixes” of album tracks, even if released or created in later years, are listed before the final (album) versions.
Due to the sometimes very dense sequence of releases and temporal overlaps of different projects, this structure cannot always be applied consistently. Furthermore, we understand all parties as “living documents” that can be further developed at any time.
[Addition in square brackets and normal font] = unofficially used title addition – serve to distinguish in this list.
If certain works were remixed or remixed for the first time in later years, this is mentioned in square brackets [] after the titles. If the exact date of the mix is not known, we have indicated the year of publication.
Likewise, different versions of tracks are indicated in square brackets [] if no official designation is known.
For the cover illustrations, we limit ourselves to the first releases – for tracks on individual CDs in box sets, we take the box set cover.
To differentiate, all versions of individual tracks have been listed with supplementary name additions. The explanatory meanings for these are:
[demo] = song or version of a track that was recorded in the embryo stage.
[basic track] = first recording phase of a track without subsequent overdubs.
[original version] = another version/recording of a track that was professionally recorded prior to its album release
[original mix] = slightly different mix of the album track that was already released before the album release.
[alternate mix] = slightly different mix of a track
[instrumental] = track without vocals, but otherwise the same as the album version
[instrumental mix] = track without vocals, mixed differently from the original version
[full length version] = track in a longer version than the album version
[edit] = shortened version of the album version in the same mix
[remix] = remixed/edited version
Brief overview of Anthony Phillips releases:
Anthony Phillips The Geese & The Ghost (October 1974 – November 1976) [2015 remaster] [2015 surround mix]
Anthony Phillips Wise After The Event (16th October – 13th December 1977) [2016 remaster] [2016 stereo/surround mix]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces (Autumn 1972 – Summer 1976) [2010 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Sides (16th October 1978 – 11th January 1979) [2016 remaster] [2016 stereo/surround mix]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces II: Back To The Pavilion (Winter 1972 – Spring 1979) [2007 remaster]
Anthony Phillips 1984 (May 1980 – March 1981) [2007 remaster] [2016 stereo/surround mix]
Anthony Phillips & Enrique Berro Garcia Private Parts & Pieces 3: Antiques (Juli 1981) [2012 remaster]
Anthony Phillips (Band) Invisible Men (Spring – December 1982) [2017 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts And Pieces IV: A Catch At The Tables (October 1979 – October 1982) [2012 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V: Twelve (September 1984) [2016 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces VI: Ivory Moon (August 1985) [2016 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts And Pieces VII: Slow Waves, Soft Stars (March 1983 – March 1987) [2016 remaster]
Anthony Phillips & Harry Williamson Tarka (May 1975- – Spring 1988) [1988 master]
Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume 1: Finger Painting (Summer 1979 – Spring 1989) [2020 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Slow Dance (June 1988 – March 1989) [2017 remaster] [2017 surround mix]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces VIII: New England (June 1991 – February 1992) [2016 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Sail The World (August 1993 – February 1994) [1994 master] [1995 mix/2010 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume 2: The Sky Road (Summer 1972 – Spring 1993) [2020 remaster]
Anthony Phillips & Harry Williamson Gypsy Suite (May 1975 – March 1978) [1995 remaster]
Anthony Phillips The Living Room Concert (21st March 1993) [2020 remaster]
Anthony Phillips & Guillermo Cazenave The Meadows Of Englewood (Juli – August 1995) [1996 master]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts And Pieces IX: Dragonfly Dreams (Winter 1986 – Spring 1995) [1996 master]
Anthony Phillips & Joji Hirota Missing Links Volume 3: Time And Tide (Summer 1992 – Spring 1997) [2020 remaster]
Anthony Phillips & Guillermo Cazenave Live Radio Sessions (May 1997) [1998 master]
Anthony Phillips The Archive Collection Volume One (September 1969 – January 1991) [1998 remaster] [2022 mix/remaster]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces X: Soirée (May – December 1998) [1999 master]
Anthony Phillips Radio Clyde (July 1978) [2003 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Archive Collection Volume II (Autumn 1971 – February 1988) [2022 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Field Day (8th August 2004 – May 2005) [2018 remaster] [2018 surround mix]
Anthony Phillips & Joji Hirota Wildlife (Spring 1994 – 2003) [2023 remaster]
Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume IV: Pathways & Promenades (Winter 1986 – 2008) [2020 remaster]
Anthony Phillips & Andrew Skeet Seventh Heaven (December 2008 – November 2011) [2019 remaster] [2019 surround mix]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces XI: City Of Dreams (2008 – 2012) [2012 master]
Anthony Phillips Strings Of Light (December 2018 – April 2019) [2019 master] [2019 surround mix]
Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces XII: The Golden Hour (1986 – 2022?) [2024 master]