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Beiträge von THOM für den Fanclub

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Peter Gabriel – i/o: everything else

In addition to the review and the track-by-track analyses, we have compiled further information on various aspects of the album.

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Song 11: “And Still” (28 October 2023)

We are nearing the end: As expected by most, And Still is released as the penultimate song for i/o at the end of October. First in the dark side mix.

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Song 10: “This Is Home” (29 September 2023)

The third last song for i/o is coming up. As many suspected, it’s This Is Home, the song that would also be the next on the WOMAD prelistening tracklist.

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i/o – The Music Videos

Music videos have also been made for some of i/o’s songs and have been officially released one after the other. Here we present them briefly and gather some background information.

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Song 09: “Love Can Heal” (31 August 2023)

There are two full moons in August, so there are two tracks for i/o. The second one is Love Can Heal, which has been known since the tour with Sting in 2016.

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Song 08: “Olive Tree” (1 August 2023)

Since the European concerts, people have been eagerly waiting to see which song will be released next as a studio version on full moon. In August, it will first be the Bright-Side Mix of Olive Tree.

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Song 07: “So Much” (3 July 2023)

From July on, all songs for i/o are probably known from the tour. So it is with So Much – the track for this full moon. As announced on Bandcamp, first in the Dark Side Mix.