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Peter Gabriel – Shaking The Tree: Sixteen Golden Greats – review
Gabriel’s first Best-Of compilation was released in 1990. Let’s take a retrospective look at it.
Gabriel’s first Best-Of compilation was released in 1990. Let’s take a retrospective look at it.
Earlier this year, a delegation of the German Genesis Fanclub visited Hans-Martin Buff in his studio in Berlin and had the chance to listen to the Dolby Atmos Mix of i/o in his Atmos studio.
In addition to the review and the track-by-track analyses, we have compiled further information on various aspects of the album.
All’s well that ends well. The i/o full moon year concludes with Live And Let Live – as was to be expected. The release method is not as usual. But it makes sense.
We are nearing the end: As expected by most, And Still is released as the penultimate song for i/o at the end of October. First in the dark side mix.
The third last song for i/o is coming up. As many suspected, it’s This Is Home, the song that would also be the next on the WOMAD prelistening tracklist.
Music videos have also been made for some of i/o’s songs and have been officially released one after the other. Here we present them briefly and gather some background information.
There are two full moons in August, so there are two tracks for i/o. The second one is Love Can Heal, which has been known since the tour with Sting in 2016.
Since the European concerts, people have been eagerly waiting to see which song will be released next as a studio version on full moon. In August, it will first be the Bright-Side Mix of Olive Tree.