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Anthony Phillips – Recording Compendium, Part 4: 1983 – 1988

The fourth part of the Anthony Phillips Recording Compendium deals with the phase between the creation of Twelve and the album Tarka.

Part 4: Twelve / Ivory Moon / Slow Waves, Soft Stars / Tarka | 1983 – 1988

Last Update: 05/10/2024 | back to part 3 | Overview | on to part 5

In the summer of 1983, Anthony Phillips was given the new Roland Jupiter 8 synthesizer by Atmosphere Music to create new music for the library publisher. Inspired by the variety of sounds, he recorded a lot of material.

Between The Rings (Light Reflections) *

(Anthony Phillips) (3:10)

Evening Ascent (New Dawn) *

(Anthony Phillips) (3:29)

Streamer (Rapids) *

(Anthony Phillips) (1:14)

Rottweiler (Majestic) *

(Anthony Phillips) (2:42)

Sad Fish (Magical) *

(Anthony Phillips) (2:25)

Antibes Cocktail ** [2020 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (2:47)

Cathedral Of Ice (Alternate Mix) *** [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (1:50)

Through The Black Hole [basic track] ****

(Anthony Phillips) ()

Pluto Garden [basic track] ****

(Anthony Phillips) ()

Spirals [basic track incl. parts of Icicles and Ice Flight i-iii] ****

(Anthony Phillips) ()

Recording date: July 1983
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release: December 1989 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume 1: Finger Painting (UK Cassette//Occational Records)
** First official release: 27th November 2020 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)
* / ** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)
*** First official release/Best available source: 23rd September 2016 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)

In November, Ant records some of the pieces for the planned musical Alice on tape, which is to be performed next year.

West Side Alice *

(Anthony Phillips) (2:57)

Quadrille (from ‘Alice’) *

(Anthony Phillips/Richard Scott) (2:57) written 1982

Craw ** [2022 mix]

(Anthony Phillips/Richard Scott) (2:05) written 1981

Recording date: November 1983
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release: 10th May 2004 – Anthony Phillips Archive Collection Volume II (UK 2CD//Blueprint Records BP360CD)
** First official release: 28th January 2022 – Anthony Phillips Archive Collection Volume I & Volume II (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC52786)
* / ** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Archive Collection Volume I & Volume II (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC52786)

The first months of the new year are dedicated to Anthony Phillips’ upcoming performance of Alice. Together with John Owen Edwards and Kevin Fitzsimmons, the final music pieces are being arranged. The following songs with music by Ant and lyrics by Richard Scott will be used: The Allocation, Twogether, Out Of Order, Come Back, Cat Reactions, Attraction, Come The Night, The Magician, Love That Makes The World Go Round, Home Brew, Duck And Dive, Love Sparks, Walls And Bridges, Last Refuge, Quadrille, Holding Him Again and Guilty. The musical will finally be performed at the Playhouse in Leeds from 22 March to 14 April.

During the Alice phase, Ant also enters into a songwriting partnership with singer/songwriter Roy Hill. Together they wrote about twelve songs, one of which, Tears On The Ballroom Floor, was recorded by the successful British band Bucks Fizz for their upcoming album I Hear Talk. In addition to the album version (4:04), the version The Original Idea (4:13) and the Long Version (4:38) were released in later years. Roy Hill himself will also record the song with his project Cry No More in 1986 in his own version (?:??) for the self-produced Smile album, and a little later again for the self-titled album Cry No More and the single of the song (4:39), of which a 12″ remix (7:12) and a live version from 6 April 1986 (6:27) will also be released. Another song called Distant Heart was initially planned for The Who frontman Roger Daltrey’s forthcoming solo album, but was never recorded.

There is also a renewed collaboration with Andy Latimer of Camel. Ant and he would like to get a foot in the door of film music and are commissioned by a publisher to contribute the music to the film The Terminator by director James Cameron. Without knowing anything more, the two write lots of material, and the publisher is enthusiastic about the recordings they send in. When the two finally get more information about the film, their scepticism grows. And finally they learn from the publisher that the filmmaker has chosen another composer.

Before Ant concentrates on a new album, he is working on two commissions – music for a National Panasonic corporate video called The Electric Miracle and music for the Limehouse production C.Q., to be broadcast on Channel 4 on 11 October 1984.

Three Piece Suite *

(Anthony Phillips) (4:03)

(i) To The Shrine
(ii) Through The Forest
(iii) Towards The Light

C.Q. *

(Anthony Phillips) (1:06)

Is There Anyone Out There? ** [2020 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (0:56)

Night Search ** [2020 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (2:07)

Recording date: 1984
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release: December 1989 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume 1: Finger Painting (UK Cassette//Occational Records)
** First official release: 27th November 2020 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)
* / ** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)

In September, Ant single-handedly records the fifth Private Parts & Pieces album called Twelve, which features an instrumental piece – played exclusively on 12-string guitar – for each month of the year.


(Anthony Phillips) (5:56)


(Anthony Phillips) (4:37)


(Anthony Phillips) (5:10)


(Anthony Phillips) (4:48)


(Anthony Phillips) (4:37)


(Anthony Phillips) (5:33)


(Anthony Phillips) (6:19)


(Anthony Phillips) (5:18)


(Anthony Phillips) (4:05)


(Anthony Phillips) (6:23)


(Anthony Phillips) (5:11)


(Anthony Phillips) (6:29)

Recording date: September 1984
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
First official release: 17th January 1985 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V: Twelve (US LP//Passport Records PVC 8926)
Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)

The new year begins for Ant once again with a commission for Limehouse: Tropical Moon Over Dorking will be broadcast on Channel 4 on 31 March.

Erotic Strings *

(Anthony Phillips) (1:08)

Tropical Moon Romance ** [2020 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (2:09)

Estrangement (Piano Mix) ** [2020 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (1:58)

Tropical Moon Over Dorking Suite ***

(Anthony Phillips) (5:03)

(i) Estrangement
(ii) Myra’s Dream
(iii) Reconciliation

Recording date: January 1985
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release: September 1985 – Anthony Phillips Harvest Of The Heart (UK LP//Cherry Red Records BRED 66)
* Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52510)
** First official release: 27th November 2020 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)
*** First official release: December 1989 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume 1: Finger Painting (UK Cassette//Occational Records)
** / *** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)

In the spring Anthony Phillips is busy with an instrumental library album in a modern band sound for the publisher De Wolfe, which will be recorded by a studio troupe called X-Cess and will not be commercially released until 25 years later.

High Potential

(Anthony Phillips) (3:06)

Stress Factor

(Anthony Phillips) (2:14)

Ahead Of The Field

(Anthony Phillips) (2:05)


(Anthony Phillips) (2:08)

View Points

(Anthony Phillips) (2:20)


(Anthony Phillips) (2:23)

Data Express

(Anthony Phillips) (2:11)

Time Runner

(Anthony Phillips) (2:13)

Metal Man

(Anthony Phillips) (2:29)

Knowledge Of Man

(Anthony Phillips) (2:18)

Forging Ahead

(Anthony Phillips) (2:06)


(Anthony Phillips) (2:34)


(Anthony Phillips) (2:17)


(Anthony Phillips) (2:30)

Recording date: Spring 1985
Recording location: Red Light Recording Studios/London
Produced by: Alan Howe
Performed by: X-Cess & Anthony Phillips
First official release/Best available source: 14th June 2010 – Anthony Phillips Ahead Of The Field (UK CD//Voiceprint Records VP514CD)

After Ants Twelve only contained pieces on 12-string guitar, he limits himself to piano pieces on the sixth Private Parts & Pieces album Ivory Moon, recorded in August, and also draws on older material dating back to 1971.

Winter’s Thaw

(Anthony Phillips) (9:35) written 1971

The Old House

(Anthony Phillips) (15:17) written 1971

Tara’s Theme (From Masquerade)

(Anthony Phillips) (3:22) written 1979

Moonfall (From Masquerade)

(Anthony Phillips/Rupert Hine) (4:00) written 1979

Suite: Sea-Dogs Motoring

(Anthony Phillips) (12:08)

(i) Sunrise Over Sienna (3:18) written 1980
(ii) Basking Shark (5:07)
(iii) Sea Dog’s Air (2:34)
(iv) Safe Havens (1:09)


(Anthony Phillips) (8:25)

Recording date: August 1985
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
First official release: January 1986 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces VI: Ivory Moon (US LP//Passport Records PVC 8946)
Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)

A third collaboration with Camel’s Andy Latimer involves composing and recording music that would not be used until four years later for TV coverage of the 1989 Volvo Tour – the European golf tournament season of that year.

Towards the end of the year, Ant improvises on his recently acquired Casio CZ5000 synthesiser, laying the foundations for his next album.

Vanishing Streets [basic track] *

(Anthony Phillips) (4:19)

Slow Waves, Soft Stars **

(Anthony Phillips) (6:12)

Recording date: late 1985
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release/Best available source: —
** First official release: 7th August 1987 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts And Pieces VII: Slow Waves, Soft Stars (US CD//Audion Records SYNCD 308)
** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)

1986 begins for Ant with music for a TV commercial for New Zealand Lamb.

Fountain Pool

(Anthony Phillips) (0:29)

Recording date: January 1986
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
First official release: December 1989 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume 1: Finger Painting (UK Cassette//Occational Records)
Best available source: Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)

Probably in the first months Ant composed and documented some guitar pieces that were originally intended to be released by the American New Age label Windham Hill Records, but were only rediscovered 38 years later and released in a new mix without orchestral synth strings on Private Parts & Pieces XII: The Golden Hour

Jack The Lad [original mix] *

(Anthony Phillips) (5:05)

Peaceful Land [full length version original mix] *

(Anthony Phillips) (7:18)

[untitled track #1] *

(Anthony Phillips) (5:52)

Ring Of Steel [original mix] *

(Anthony Phillips) (4:40)

[untitled track #2] *

(Anthony Phillips) (10:05)

[untitled track #3] *

(Anthony Phillips) (6:45)

[untitled track #4] *

(Anthony Phillips) (4:45)

Country Mile [original mix] *

(Anthony Phillips) ()

Wychmore Hill Suite [2024 mix] **

(Anthony Phillips) (19:06)

(i) Country Mile (3:12)
(ii) Ring Of Steel (4:47)
(iii) Peaceful Land (5:52)
(iv) Jack The Lad (5:14)

Recording date: early 1986?
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release/ Best available source: —
** First official release: 31st May 2024 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces XII: The Golden Hour (UK CD//Esoteric Antenna EANTCD 1107)
** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces XII: The Golden Hour (24bit/44.1kHz hiRes download//Cherry Red Records)

In April there is a reunion with the Argentinean Enrique Berro Garcia, who is visiting Ant. Two new works are created during a joint session, which will end up on Ant’s next album.

Beachrunner *

(Anthony Phillips/Enrique Berro Garcia) (2:50)

Beachrunner II ** [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips/Enrique Berro Garcia) (3:18)

End Of The Affair *

(Anthony Phillips/Enrique Berro Garcia) (2:45)

End Of The Affair II ** [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips/Enrique Berro Garcia) (2:27)

Recording date: April 1986
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips & Enrique Berro Garcia
* First official release: 7th August 1987 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts And Pieces VII: Slow Waves, Soft Stars (US CD//Audion Records SYNCD 308)
** First official release: 23rd September 2016 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)
* / ** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)

Ant then tries again with Richard Scott on more commercial material that promises more chances of success. A new demo of Silver Song is also recorded as a possible contribution to Eric Clapton’s Phil Collins-produced album Behind The Sun, as well as music for a promotional film for Design Council.

Refugee From Love AB* [2017 mix]

(Anthony Phillips/Richard Scott) (3:58) written 1983

Gimme Love B* [2017 mix]

(Anthony Phillips/Richard Scott) (3:48) written 1983

Falling For Love (Alternate Version) C* [2017 mix]

(Anthony Phillips/Richard Scott) (3:21) written 1982

Silver Song (Demo) **

(Anthony Phillips/MikeRutherford) (3:19) written 1969

New Alchemists Suite *** [2020 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (4:34)

Recording date: Spring 1986 A & April 1983
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips ABC & Richard Scott
Performed by: Anthony Phillips B & Richard Scott & Kitty Grant
* First official release/Best available source: 13th October 2017 – Anthony Phillips Invisible Men (UK 2CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 22603)
** First official release: 5th December 1990 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces (JP CD//Virgin VJCP-2324)
** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52510)
*** First official release/Best available source: 27th November 2020 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)

With songwriter and producer Julia Downes, Ant also writes the song Battle Of Love, which is eventually released in the Spanish version El Último Tren (4:00) by singer Mania on her self-titled album 1986.

This summer he is recording music for the third time for a Limehouse production, entitled God’s Chosen Car Park, which will be broadcast on Channel 4 on 1 December.

The Golden Pathway *

(Anthony Phillips) (1:39)

God’s Chosen Car Park Suite **

(Anthony Phillips) (6:38)

(i) Processional
(ii) Meditation
(iii) Cave Painting

Recording date: August 1986
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release: 7th August 1987 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts And Pieces VII: Slow Waves, Soft Stars (US CD//Audion Records SYNCD 308)
* Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)
** First official release: December 1989 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume 1: Finger Painting (UK Cassette//Occational Records)
** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)

1986 also saw the start of recordings for another Private Parts & Pieces album, which was initially conceived as a pure work based on keyboards and synthesizers. Ant also used material that he had already recorded in 1983.

Behind The Waterfall A

(Anthony Phillips) (3:24)

Ice Flight B

(Anthony Phillips) (16:07)

(i) Flight Of The Snow Petrel: Glacier Bay (5:18)
(ii) Flight Of The Whale-Birds: Blizzard Mountain (3:39)
(iii) Flight Of The Albatross: Ice Island (1:26)
(iv) White Heaven (3:28)
(v) Cathedral Of Ice (2:16)

Vanishing Streets C

(Anthony Phillips) (4:19)

Recording date: 1986 A & March 1983 B & July 1983 C & late 1985
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
First official release: 7th August 1987 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts And Pieces VII: Slow Waves, Soft Stars (US CD//Audion Records SYNCD 308)
Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)

In the autumn, Ant records several guitar pieces, including a 17-minute work that will not be released until 10 years later.

Chinese Walls A*

(Anthony Phillips) (17:32)

Sospirando B**

(Anthony Phillips) (2:57) written 1980

Elevenses B**

(Anthony Phillips) (3:10)

Carnival B**

(Anthony Phillips) (1:33)

Promenade C***

(Anthony Phillips) (4:07)

Promenade [2009 mix] C****

(Anthony Phillips) (4:02)

Promenade (Alternate Version) C*****

(Anthony Phillips) (3:40)

Recording date: A Autumn 1986, B late Autumn 1986, C December 1986
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release: 4th November 1996 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts And Pieces IX: Dragonfly Dreams (UK CD//Blueprint Records BP229CD)
* Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces IX-XI (UK 4CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 42623)
** First official release: 7th August 1987 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts And Pieces VII: Slow Waves, Soft Stars (US CD//Audion Records SYNCD 308)
** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)
*** First official release/Best available source: 1987 – Various Artists Double Exposure (UK 2LP//No Man’s Land)
**** First official release: 2nd November 2009 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume IV: Pathways & Promenades (UK 2CD//Voiceprint Records VP526CD)
**** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)
***** First official release: 30th March 1998 – Anthony Phillips The Archive Collection Volume One (UK 2CD//Blueprint Records BP279CD)
***** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Archive Collection Volume I & Volume II (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC52786)

Phillips also produces the debut album Open Secret by New Age artist Denis Quinn, for which he also makes instrumental contributions. Most of the tracks are recorded in the winter months.

Sacred Heart *

(Denis Quinn) (4:48)

Journey To A Remarkable Place *

(Denis Quinn) (5:26)

Soldier Of Love *

(Denis Quinn) (5:44)

Solitary Bird *

(Denis Quinn) (5:15)

Luna Nueva *

(Denis Quinn) (5:41)

The Power Of Love ** [2009 mix]

(Denis Quinn) (4:53)

Song Of The Morning ** [2009 mix]

(Denis Quinn) (2:34)

Shine Brightly ** [2009 mix]

(Denis Quinn) (4:56)

Recording date: December 1986
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips & Denis Quinn
Performed by: Denis Quinn feat. Anthony Phillips a.o.
* First official release: November 1987 – Denis Quinn Open Secret (UK CD//New World Company NWCD 147)
** First official release: 16th March 2009 – Asher Quinn Open Secret (UK CD//Voiceprint Records VP465CD)
* / ** Best available source: Asher Quinn Open Secret (UK CD//Voiceprint Records VP465CD)

In the first months of the new year, Ant worked intensively on potential keyboard tracks for the upcoming album, breaking away from the original concept of a pure synth album and still wanting to include the two guitar pieces with Enrique from last year, as well as recording additional guitar numbers of his own. Private Parts And Pieces VII: Slow Waves, Soft Stars thus contains recordings from March ’83 to March ’87.

Emerald Forest AC* [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (1:47)

Through The Black Hole BC**

(Anthony Phillips) (3:15)

Pluto Garden BC**

(Anthony Phillips) (2:06)

Pluto Garden (Alternate Mix) BC* [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (1:09)

Back To Pluto D*

(Anthony Phillips) (0:29)

Goodbye Serenade E**

(Anthony Phillips) (2:29) written 1980

Bubble And Squeak E**

(Anthony Phillips) (0:59) written 1981

Recording date: A March 1983, B July 1983, C January 1987, D February 1987, E early March 1987
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release: 23rd September 2016 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)
** First official release: 7th August 1987 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts And Pieces VII: Slow Waves, Soft Stars (US CD//Audion Records SYNCD 308)
* / ** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)
*** First official release: 30th March 1998 – Anthony Phillips The Archive Collection Volume One (UK 2CD//Blueprint Records BP279CD)
*** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Archive Collection Volume I & Volume II (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC52786)

Ant is also involved with an application demo for a possible TV programme in February, which was not used.

A Noble Spirit [2020 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (1:22)

Recording date: February 1987
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
First official release/Best available source: 27th November 2020 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)

The last three tracks for the album of Denis Quinn are recorded in March.

Days Of Honey *

(Denis Quinn) (2:17)

Violette *

(Denis Quinn) (2:57)

Open Secret **

(Denis Quinn) (9:32)

Open Secret [edit] ***

(Denis Quinn) (7:12)

Recording date: March 1987
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips & Denis Quinn
Performed by: Denis Quinn feat. Anthony Phillips a.o.
* / ** First official release: November 1987 – Denis Quinn Open Secret (UK CD//New World Company NWCD 147)
*** First official release: November 2005 – Denis Quinn Open Secret (UK CD//Voiceprint Records VP465CD)
** Best available source: Denis Quinn Open Secret (UK CD//New World Company NWCD 147)
* / *** Best available source: Asher Quinn Open Secret (UK CD//Voiceprint Records VP465CD)

In the summer of 1987, Ant recorded some new material that would initially remain unreleased.

Jongleur A* [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (5:07)

Skylarks Over The Water A* [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (6:54)

Across The Forbidding Horizon A* [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (5:58)

A Place To Rest A* [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (1:36)

The Riddle Of The Sands A* [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (10:18)

Unheard Cry (Guitar Demo) A* [2016 mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (4:07)

Tears On A Rainy Day Link B** [2020 mix]

(Anthony Phillips/Martin Robertson) (1:07)

Tears On A Rainy Day B***

(Anthony Phillips/Martin Robertson) (5:01)

Recording date: A July 1987, B Summer 1987
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips B & Martin Robertson
* First official release/Best available source: 23rd September 2016 – Anthony Phillips Private Parts & Pieces V-VIII (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52561)
** First official release: 27th November 2020 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)
*** First official release: 15th June 1994 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume 2: The Sky Road (UK CD//Brainworks Records BWKD 212)
** / *** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)

For Anthony Phillips, September is marked by the Atmosphere Library project Soft Science (And Deeper Mysteries), from which some contributions will still be published commercially later, including a release for the German documentary series Terra X.

Force Majeure (Minimalist) *

(Anthony Phillips) (3:49)

Mountain Voices (Celestial) *

(Anthony Phillips) (3:02)

Lord Of The Smoking Mirror *

(Anthony Phillips) (2:57)

Sea Horses *

(Anthony Phillips) (2:55)

After The Rain (Solitude) *

(Anthony Phillips) (2:45)

Dungeons (Drama) *

(Anthony Phillips) (2:35)

Ironclad (Drama) ** [Dungeons alternate mix]

(Anthony Phillips) (2:38)

Aurora ***

(Anthony Phillips) (3:50)

Aurora [edit] *

(Anthony Phillips) (3:03)

Recording date: September 1987
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Anthony Phillips
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release: December 1989 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume 1: Finger Painting (UK Cassette//Occational Records)
** / *** First official release: 20th September 1990 – Various Artists Terra X (GER 2CD//CBS Records 467 595 2)
**** First official release: 2nd November 2009 – Anthony Phillips Missing Links Volume IV: Pathways & Promenades (UK 2CD//Voiceprint Records VP526CD)
* / ** / **** Best available source: Anthony Phillips Missing Links I-IV (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 52743)
*** Best available source: Various Artists Terra X (GER 2CD//CBS Records 467 595 2)

In autumn and winter, thanks to an interested label, Anthony Phillips and Harry Williamson can finally complete their joint work Tarka after many years, which had been on ice since the 70s due to a lack of funds. Parts of it are also used for Atmosphere’s library projects and thus bring in additional income.

Movement I – The First Year *

(Anthony Phillips/Harry Williamson) (11:24)

(i) Owlery Holt
(ii) Weare Water
(iii) Golden Pool
(iv) Moon Play
(v) Corncrake Meadow
(vi) Root Walk

Movement II – River and Estuary *

(Anthony Phillips/Harry Williamson) (15:43)

(i) Moonfield
(ii) Waymoor
(iii) The Estuary
(iv) Salmon Hunting
(v) Moonfield
(vi) The Burrows
(vii) Bag Leap

Movement III – The Hunt *

(Anthony Phillips/Harry Williamson) (15:23)

(i) The Foreboding
(ii) Dark Hams Wood
(iii) Pool Of The Six Herons
(iv) Escape To The Estuary
(v) Beam Weir
(vi) Deadlock
(vii) The Kelp Pool
(viii) Island Run
(ix) Ebb Tide

The Rising Spring **

(Anthony Phillips/Harry Williamson) (1:30)

Excerpt From Tarka (Movement I Part 1) **

(Anthony Phillips/Harry Williamson) (4:01)

Excerpt From Tarka (Movement 3) **

(Anthony Phillips/Harry Williamson) (3:00)

Movement II – River and Estuary [re-edited] ***

(Anthony Phillips/Harry Williamson) (16:20)

(i) Moonfield
(ii) Waymoor
(iii) The Estuary
(iv) Salmon Hunting
(v) Moonfield
(vi) The Burrows
(vii) Bag Leap

Recording date: Spring 1978, Autumn & Winter 1987
Recording location: CTS Studios/London, Gooseberry Studios/London, Vic’s Place (Englewood Studios)/London
Produced by: Simon Heyworth
Performed by: Anthony Phillips & Harry Williamson, London Philharmonic Orchestra a.o.
* First official release/Best available source: 31st October 1988 – Anthony Phillips & Harry Williamson Tarka (UK CD//PRT Records PYC 18)
** First official release/Best available source: 1988 – Anthony Phillips & Harry Williamson The Anthem From Tarka (UK CD//PRT Records PYD 18)
*** First official release/Best available source: June 1996 – Anthony Phillips & Harry Williamson Tarka (UK CD//Blueprint Records BP219CD)

After Harry Williamson had to return to his adopted country Australia, Ant is still working with producer Simon Heyworth on a new track for Tarka in the new year, which will also be released as a single to promote the album.

The Anthem From Tarka (Demo) A*

(Anthony Phillips/Simon Heyworth) (3:47)

The Anthem From Tarka (Alternate Mix Of Demo) A*

(Anthony Phillips/Simon Heyworth) (1:00)

Postlude: The Anthem **

(Anthony Phillips/Simon Heyworth) (6:04)

The Anthem From Tarka (Single Mix) ***

(Anthony Phillips/Simon Heyworth) (4:41)

The Anthem From Tarka (Single Mix Extended Version) ***

(Anthony Phillips/Simon Heyworth) (6:05)

Recording date: 1988, A February 1988
Recording location: Englewood Studios/London
Produced by: Simon Heyworth
Performed by: Anthony Phillips
* First official release: 10th May 2004 – Anthony Phillips Archive Collection Volume II (UK 2CD//Blueprint Records BP360CD)
* Best available source: Anthony Phillips Archive Collection Volume I & Volume II (UK 5CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC52786)
** First official release/Best available source: 31st October 1988 – Anthony Phillips & Harry Williamson Tarka (UK CD//PRT Records PYC 18)
*** First official release/Best available source: 1988 – Anthony Phillips & Harry Williamson The Anthem From Tarka (UK CD//PRT Records PYD 18)

After finishing work on Tarka, Ant’s Englewood studio was upgraded in the spring with the purchase of a Fostex 16-track recorder and became “Vic’s Place”. From the Englewood days, it is only Unheard Cry from 1987 that comes to new honours in subsequent years.

Discussions on Anthony’s Recording Compendium are possible in our FORUM in this thread.

Author: Steffen Gerlach
Editor: Christian Gerhardts
Visual adaption: Helmut Janisch
Special Thanks: Jonathan Dann (for corrections and additional info)