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Website Relaunch 2025: reaching the final page?
More than 20 years after the English version of our website went online, another major relaunch was necessary.
Information about the German Genesis Fanclub it and its international site genesis-news.com
“it” speaks to you… Read news about the fanclub, about the website and the occasional aside under this header.
Every now and again we may have a lottery or a competition on our website, and this is where you will find them and where the winners are announced.
The German Genesis fanclub has been holding fanclub meetings and events about a special topic on a regular basis since 1993. Find announcements, invitations to upcoming meetings and of course reports about previous events.
More than 20 years after the English version of our website went online, another major relaunch was necessary.
We have started a new WhatsApp News Channel, which provides Genesis-related news and updates.
The GNC-team would like to wish all of you some peaceful Christmas days!
Anthony Phillips turns 70 today, and The Ant Band is releasing a special tribute album to celebrate his music: A Light On The Hill.
These days mark the 30th anniversary of the start of the Italian Genesis fan club DUSK. Congratulations!
Several shows from Genesis-related musicians are cancelled or postpones die to the world-wide Corona pandemic. We keep you up to date.
Four middle-aged men start a joint project in October 2013: They want to rehearse an instrumental piece for a single performance at the Anthony Phillips Event 2014 – within less than six months
The German Genesis Fanclub it turned 25 in late 2016 – for that reason an in best Genesis-related tradition, we celebrates that anniversary with a special event a year later in October 2017. Special guest were British tribute band The Carpet Crawlers. Tony Reinsperger was there and shares his thoughts.
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of our fanclub, we will host yet another fan convention (our 23rd) in October 2017. Special guests will be The Carpet Crawlers from the UK.
We did not want to celebrate our anniversary a lot, but a couple of well known guys have sent in their birthday wishes – but look yourself!
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