Fanclub - A History

The German Genesis Fanclub – from 1991 until today – a history

In November 2016, the German Genesis Fanclub ‘it’, internationally known as Genesis News Com, celebrates its 25th anniversary.

20 Jahre Deutscher Genesis Fanclub it - Website SpecialIn November 2011, the German Genesis Fanclub ‘it’ celebrates its 20th anniversary. Find all anecdotes, reports and other stuff about 20 years of a fanclub here.

  1. Article
  2. martinus

20 years of ‘it’: Harald Dreyer

Harald Dreyer is a dyed-in-the-wool fan. With his love for details he has found many like-minded people in the fanclub, but he still finds the anonymous online world peculiar, especially in debates.

  1. Article
  2. martinus

20 years of ‘it’: Alexander Alberts

Waiting for the it magazine, shopping at the Shop of it-snips and the competitions on the website. The journey of it according to Alexander Alberts.