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it25: Birthday wishes from the Genesis family
We did not want to celebrate our anniversary a lot, but a couple of well known guys have sent in their birthday wishes – but look yourself!
The German Genesis Fanclub – from 1991 until today – a history
In November 2016, the German Genesis Fanclub ‘it’, internationally known as Genesis News Com, celebrates its 25th anniversary.
In November 2011, the German Genesis Fanclub ‘it’ celebrates its 20th anniversary. Find all anecdotes, reports and other stuff about 20 years of a fanclub here.
We did not want to celebrate our anniversary a lot, but a couple of well known guys have sent in their birthday wishes – but look yourself!
Alexander Pfaff has been a member for ten years. He has been around for all of the online years so far and shares his thoughts.
One of the it Quiz Masterminds 2010 knows what he likes and explains why that is so.
In his essay Michael Otterbach explains how the website and the forum are like mass and how a fanclub may be conducive to relationships.
Harald Dreyer is a dyed-in-the-wool fan. With his love for details he has found many like-minded people in the fanclub, but he still finds the anonymous online world peculiar, especially in debates.
Michael Fimberger, one of our Austrian members, finds that the history of it runs parallel to the history of the internet.
Waiting for the it magazine, shopping at the Shop of it-snips and the competitions on the website. The journey of it according to Alexander Alberts.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary, the German Genesis Fanclub releases a 1-Track Digipak CD of Anon – Pennsylvania Flickhouse.
Some members of the large Genesis family have written some wishes for our 20th anniversary.
A selection of photos, compiled by the Editors of it, spanning 20 years of work from fans for fans.
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