
Reports, reviews, concerts and further information about Genesis-related musicians like Daryl Stuermer, Chester Thompson, Paul Carrack, Tony Levin and Simon Collins.

Paul Carrack

Reports, reviews, concerts and interviews with Paul Carrack

Paul Carrack Paul Carrack

The Musical Box

Reports, concerts and interviews with The Musical Box

The Musical Box The Musical Box

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Brand X – But Wait … There’s More! Live 2017 – Album review

In 2016, Phil Collins’ former side project Brand X reunited with a couple of original band members. They eventually went on tour and recorded a new live albu, which is now available. Steffen Gerlach gave it a listen and shares his thoughts …

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  2. Steffen

Richard Macphail – biography

Richard Paul Macphail was born the third child of David and Mary Macphail on September 17, 1950 in Bedford, England….

  1. Artikel
  2. Christian

Armando Gallo Interview in Welkers (Oct 21, 2006)

After the good experience and feedback of having a Question Time with Richard Macphail at the Early Years Event 2005 we wanted to do it with Armando Gallo. He accompanied the band in a way different from Richard and much longer, too, so he had much to tell…