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Genesis: 10th anniversay of John Mayhew’s death
Ten years ago today, former Genesis drummer John Mayhew died.
Genesis – reports, reviews, interviews, tour dates, a discography and further information about your favourite rock group.
Ten years ago today, former Genesis drummer John Mayhew died.
In early 2019, the long awaited book about The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway by Jon Kirkman, has finally been made available to fans. Martin Klinkhardt took a closer look.
April 1st marks the 40th anniversary of an album that eventually became the first Genesis album to be written and recorded by the trio formation. Martin Klinkhardts looks back and shares his thoughts.
The British Fanclub The Waiting Room has been around for 30 years now, publishing 100 issues of their fanzine (digital these days) and celebrated their 100th edition with a special printed magazine. Martin Antes checked this out and shares his thoughts.
Richard Macphail played an important role in the history of Genesis, especially in the early years. But even after his farewell he stayed in touch and appeared every now and then in different jobs for the band and its members. Now, Richard presents his book about all this. Helmut Janisch has read the book and shares his thoughts and his valuation
Richatrd Macphail, Genesis road manager and much more in the early days, will publish a book soon called My Book Of Genesis
In May 2017, a collection of songs based on the first Genesis album was released. It is not yet another rerelease, as some multitrack tapes were discovered recently and the result is this album. Steffen Gerlach and Tom Morgenstern take a closer look.
Jonathan King releases new mixes of so far unknown recordings from the debut album sessions.
Universal will re-issue 13 Genesis studioalbums on 30th September 2016. Preorders are now availabke.
Yet another rerelease of the Genesis debut album From Genesis To Revelation might be of interest for Vinyl-fans
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