Peter Gabriel - i/o (2023)

After more than 20 years, Peter Gabriel’s long-awaited new album was finally released on 1 December 2023 and it’s actually called i/o. Read our reviews (one from a bright side, one from a dark side) and our track by track special here.

For twelve full moons in 2023, we have followed the releases of new songs in various mixes. Thomas Schrage and Martin Peitz (In-Side Mixes) gave insights in the individual releases and the accompanying artworks.

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Peter Gabriel – i/o: Track by Track – overview

For twelve full moons in 2023, we have followed the releases of new songs in various mixes. Thomas Schrage and Martin Peitz (In-Side Mixes) gave insights in the individual releases and the accompanying artworks.

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Song 11: “And Still” (28 October 2023)

We are nearing the end: As expected by most, And Still is released as the penultimate song for i/o at the end of October. First in the dark side mix.

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Song 10: “This Is Home” (29 September 2023)

The third last song for i/o is coming up. As many suspected, it’s This Is Home, the song that would also be the next on the WOMAD prelistening tracklist.

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Song 09: “Love Can Heal” (31 August 2023)

There are two full moons in August, so there are two tracks for i/o. The second one is Love Can Heal, which has been known since the tour with Sting in 2016.

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Song 08: “Olive Tree” (1 August 2023)

Since the European concerts, people have been eagerly waiting to see which song will be released next as a studio version on full moon. In August, it will first be the Bright-Side Mix of Olive Tree.

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Song 07: “So Much” (3 July 2023)

From July on, all songs for i/o are probably known from the tour. So it is with So Much – the track for this full moon. As announced on Bandcamp, first in the Dark Side Mix.

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Song 06: “Road To Joy” (4 June 2023)

In June, we get the first song that visitors of the concerts already know: Road To Joy. Gabriel had mentioned it before, so it was already known that it would be part of i/o.

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Song 05: “Four Kinds Of Horses” (5 May 2023)

From the i/o May track, the title was already in circulation because it was mentioned in the Uncut article in March. Then in April it did not appear – but now finally.