The Musical Box have premiered a completely new show in 2018: A Genesis Extravaganza. Daniel Müller attended the shows in Saabrücken and Luxembourg and shares his thoughts.
There are cover bands, and then there is The Musical Box. These are the opening words for a big report about the tour this exceptional Canadian band went on all across the UK.
You have the word: The Musical Box are touring Europe for the last time with the Selling England and Foxtrot shows, and we will be happy to publish your reports here. These here are from the Royal Albert Hall, London.
You have the word: The Musical Box are touring through Europe with the Selling England and Foxtrot shows for the last time. We are happy to publish your reports. These here are from the Jahrhunderthalle, Frankfurt, Germany.
Zum letzten Mal touren The Musical Box mit den Shows zu Selling England / Foxtrot in Europa. Wir veröffentlichen Eure Berichte…Frankfurt, Jahrhunderthalle!
You have your say. For the last time The Musical Box are touring through Europe with the Selling England and Foxtrot shows, and we are only too happy to publish your reports…
In 2000 the Canadian cover band The Musical Box were the first band who obtained the license to perform the stage show for The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway in Canada. Michael Spuck was there for GNC.