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Peter Gabriel responds to So25 criticism

Peter Gabriel will release a SoDeluxe Boxset this October. It contains a lot of discs and stuff (see our formats page for details), but fans around the world were disappointed since it lacks essential stuff such as a 5.1-Mix of the whole album, B-Sides and Remixes are also not part of the set, the Live In Athensfilm is only available on DVD and not on Blu-ray in this set (same with So: Classic Albums Documentary) and the three extra tracks are only available on vinyl (in the meantime Peter confirmed these will also be available in high quality audio download).

Deluxe BoxsetThe whole package will also cost more than 100 EUR/Pounds and more than 120 Dollars. the Website Supeerdeluxeeditions have posted an open letter to Peter Gabriel a while ago, raising all questions about the boxset. Now, Peter has replied to that letter. He explains why certain decisions have been made, that it’s always hard and impossible to try to satisfy all and he also admits that the DVD-decision was probably wrong. He reveals that part of the Athens-film will be made available in 720p as part of the download package (exclusively to Box-Set-buyers) and that there are no plans at the moment to release Live In Athens on DVD and Blu-ray (which means the only chance to get the film is to buy the Boxset).

Go here to read Peter’s explanation in full and go here to see how Superdeluxeeditions have reacted on that.