Stichwort: Genesis

Diese Seite enthält alle Beiträge, die mit dem Begriff `Genesis` getagged wurden. Das sind nicht zwingend alle Seiten, die dieses Thema behandeln. Über die Navigation oder Suche kannst Du weitere Inhalte finden.

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Genesis – Abacab – CD review

Between 1979 and 1981 all three members of Genesis released their first solo albums. After that they met again to record Abacab, an album that would chance everything…

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Genesis – We Cant Dance – CD review

In the early 90s Genesis reached the commercial peak of their career. We Can’t Dance produced no less than six singles. It also turned out to be the last one with Phil Collins.

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Genesis – 14 From Our Past – CD review

Genesis’ (live) comeback in North America prompted a first: A CD release in Starbucks’s Greatest Hits series. It is called 14 From Our Past and contains 14 songs from Genesis studio albums released between 1970-1997. Bernd Zindler has taken a closer look.

Chapter & Verse
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Genesis – Chapter & Verse – review

As far as Genesis biographies are concerned, Armando Gallo’s book has always been the undisputed work of reference. It has the flaw, though, of covering only part of the puzzle. For the first time in years a book has come out that can challenge Gallo’s work and be called the “bible of Genesis bios”.