Stichwort: Phil Collins

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Richard Macphail my Book Of Genesis
  1. Article
  2. Helmut Janisch

Richard Macphail – My Book Of Genesis – review

Richard Macphail played an important role in the history of Genesis, especially in the early years. But even after his farewell he stayed in touch and appeared every now and then in different jobs for the band and its members. Now, Richard presents his book about all this. Helmut Janisch has read the book and shares his thoughts and his valuation

Brand X An Unorthodox History
  1. Article
  2. Steffen

Brand X – Special: An Unorthodox History – Part 1

For many fans, the probably most ambitious Genesis solo project remains a mystery when it comes to details. The fusion band Brand X was Phil’s solo thing until the late 70ies, but the band remained active. Steffen Gerlach brings some light into the dark mystery of the Genesis of Brand X with this website special. This is part 1 – the beginning.

  1. Article
  2. Admin

Phil Collins – Not Dead Yet Live – tour dates

Phil Collins has returned on stage with a couple shows in the frame of a short tour called Not Dead Yet Live in 2017. More shows were announced for late 2017 and early 2018. Find all info about dates and tickets here.