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Phil Collins – Making Of Going Back
Its not a coincidence nor a normal album. Phil Collins’s new record Going Back is a concept album. Background information and how the album came about are the topics of this special.
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Its not a coincidence nor a normal album. Phil Collins’s new record Going Back is a concept album. Background information and how the album came about are the topics of this special.
Going Back is the title of Phil Collins’s new album. It is a declaration of love to Motown from the first to the last note. Christian Gerhardts has listened up and written down his thoughts.
Phil Collins releases his new DVD and Blu-ray with footage from his Roseland Ballroom performance in June 2010. This is pure Motown with members of the legendary Funk Brothers.
Phil Collins releases his first solo album in eight years and treats collectors to a range of formats. We give away the most interesting versions of the new album in a competition!
For a selection of three shows, Phil presented his Motown Showcase in the rather tiny Roseland Ballroom in New York City. Phildas Bhakta tried to take a closer look while driving wild …
Phil Collins has played six Motown-Shows plus one TV Special in North America and Europe. We have compiled all the news for you.
The official site has announced the title track as first single, but in Germany (Love Is Like A) Heatwave was chosen.
In support of his new album Going Back, Phil performs in Philadelphia with his new 18-piece band. Daniel Colacicco was there and shares his impressions.
The eight bonus tracks that will appear on the 2CD special edition of Phil Collins’ forthcoming album Going Back are now known.
Anyone who’s interested in seeing Phil live in London on 28th June now has the chance to register for the upcoming ticket sale.