Stichwort: review

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  2. THOM

Peter Gabriel – Birdy – review

This was Peter Gabriel’s first soundtrack for a whole film – at the wish of its director, Alan Parker. Gabriel fulfilled his rnwish of using existing compositions, but still created something new, too. The outcome is a gloomy, but absolutely rnworthwhile collection of emotions in music.

Big Blue Ball (2008)
  1. Article
  2. Eric

Peter Gabriel – Big Blue Ball – review

In the early 90s Peter Gabriel set up the RealWorld Recording Weeks where artists from all across the world would record music in a kind of “musical brainstorming”. One thing that came out of this is the album Big Blue Ball. It is not a Peter Gabriel album, but a collaboration project that took more than fifteen years to be released. Gabriel can be heard on four of the songs.