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The successful first Archive set was followed by a second archive covering the years from 1976 to 1992. Tom Morgenstern and Helmut Janisch discuss whether the new box is a worty successor to the first.
After he had finished reminiscing about his time in Genesis Steve Hackett released a real solo album again. Darktown is, the title gives it away, rather gloomy…
For three years a rumour was floating around in the Genesis fan community about a project that was finally released on June 22, 1998 after it had been postponed several times: the Genesis Archive 1967-1975. We recount the story up to that release and then take a good look at both the design and the music of the (first) Genesis box-set.
Shortly before Genesis went out to set new records with their album We Can’t Dance the release of a new Tony Banks solo album went by almost unnoticed. Still featured, most of all, an impressive list of guest musicians.
In 1972 Genesis could enjoy their first commercial success: Their album Foxtrot reached number 12 in the UK charts. They also reached new artistic heights.