Stichwort: Robin Lumley

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Jack Lancaster & Robin Lumley – Peter And The Wolf (feat. Phil Collins) – review

Lancaster and Lumley have produced the first “children’s musical”, so to speak, Peter And The Wolf by the Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev as an audio-only version with musical guests in a jazz-rock way. Steffen Gerlach took a closer look at the new remastered edition in 2021.

Brand X An Unorthodox History
  1. Article
  2. Steffen

Brand X – Special: An Unorthodox History – Part 1

For many fans, the probably most ambitious Genesis solo project remains a mystery when it comes to details. The fusion band Brand X was Phil’s solo thing until the late 70ies, but the band remained active. Steffen Gerlach brings some light into the dark mystery of the Genesis of Brand X with this website special. This is part 1 – the beginning.