Stichwort: solo

Diese Seite enthält alle Beiträge, die mit dem Begriff `solo` getagged wurden. Das sind nicht zwingend alle Seiten, die dieses Thema behandeln. Über die Navigation oder Suche kannst Du weitere Inhalte finden.

  1. Article
  2. martinus

Nick Magnus – n’monix – CD review

After the well receivedChildren Of Another God, Steve Hackett’s sideman Nick Magnus has recorded another solo album – n’monix. Martin Brilla reviewed it for you.

  1. Article
  2. martinus

Peter Gabriel – I (Car) – CD review

His first solo album was an new departure for Peter Gabriel. He was looking for styles, for his own way of expressing himself – and for trust in the music business. Not quite sure-footed, but large potential became visible.