Diese Seite enthält alle Beiträge, die mit dem Begriff `Steve Hackett` getagged wurden. Das sind nicht zwingend alle Seiten, die dieses Thema behandeln. Über die Navigation oder Suche kannst Du weitere Inhalte finden.
Rumours about a possible Genesis reunion have been circulating since around 2000. These rumours grew into serious hopes in 2005 when the classic Genesis line-up met to discuss this possibility. We have assembled the facts and events for you.
A small backstage room in the Colos-Saal in Aschaffenburg, Germany, was the setting in which we did a brief but interesting interview with Steve Hackett – about an hour before his concert…
Genesis Live was the band’s first live album. It has gained enormous respect amongst fans. In 2009 it has been rereleased in the Live Boxset, complete with surround sound and bonus tracks.
Steve Hackett has released a new album three years after his last rock album Wild Orchids. It is called Out Of The Tunnel’s Mouth and Steffen Gerlach has listened to it for you.
On March 27, 2009, Steve Hackett sat down on the hot seat at the Steve Hackett Event 2009 in Remscheid, Germany, and answered your (the audience’s) questions.
When news came that the former Genesis guitarist would go on tour again few people believed it. After all, rumours that Hackett would play some gigs in Germany again had been around for almost a decade.
On September 11th we had the opportunity to talk exclusively with Steve Hackett about his new album Wild Orchids and his upcoming projects. The interview took place by phone.