In November 2011, the German Genesis Fanclub 'it' celebrates its 20th anniversary. Find all anecdotes, reports and other stuff about 20 years of a fanclub here.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary, the German Genesis Fanclub releases a 1-track Digipak CD of Anon - 'Pennsylvania Flickhouse'.
20 years of 'it': Fanclub CD 2011Within the past 20 years, we have been in contact with nearly all members of the large Genesis family. Some of the have written a few lines ...
20 years of 'it': Wishes ... The Genesis FamilyTo run a fanclub for 20 years is a lot of work. Find here all statements by the four main characters involved.
20 years of 'it': Memories of ... The EditorsWithin 20 years, a lot of fans and friends have supported the work of the German Fanclub and some of them wanted to share their thought about 20 years of a fanclub ...
20 years of 'it': Memories and wishes by ... fans and friendsNew biography written by Mike himself about his career and his relation to his father.
Rerelease of the 1991 Hit-Album with new Stereo Mixes.
Review available