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Deutscher Genesis Fanclub it
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Phil Collins Recording Compendium
Brand X Special: An Urorthodox History

Meeting 2008 ... When In Welkers

When In Welkers 2008
Though it was billed as a regular club day, we did have an interesting special guest in Welkers. Dale Newman talked about his life and work as a Genesis roadie and studio technician, and also played a selection of his songs live.

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Genesis - Trespass (CD)

Genesis - Trespass (CD) Genesis - Trespass (CD) Verse kaufen bei

The 1970 studio album - remastered 2008.
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Anthony Phillips - Wise After The Event (2CD)

Anthony Phillips - Wise After The Event (2CD) Anthony Phillips - Wise After The Event (2CD) Verse kaufen bei

Remaster Edition 2008 - Double-CD with Bonus tracks.

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