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Phil Collins Reviews | Books

Go here fore information and reviews of books about Phil Collins.

Ray Coleman: The Definitive Biography (1996)

Phil Collins - The Definitive Biography (Ray Coleman) - book review

In 1996 a comprehensive and authorized biography about Phil Collins was published. Its author Ray Coleman had, however, already passed away when the excellent book came out.

Phil Collins - The Definitive Biography (Ray Coleman) - book review Phil Collins - The Definitive Biography (Ray Coleman) - book review

Phil Collins

Phil Collins - Going Back (CD)

Phil Collins - Going Back (CD) Phil Collins - Going Back (CD) Verse kaufen bei

New Album featuring Motown Classics. Release date: September 13th, 2010 (Europe), September 28th (NA)

Phil Collins - Face Value

Phil Collins - Face Value Phil Collins - Face Value Verse kaufen bei

Phil Collins Debutalbum became a classic of the 80ies and is probably his best album to date.
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