The 1992 tour was captured on no less than two live albums. November saw the release of The Shorts, which featured the relevant single hits. True to its name, The Longs (published in early 1993) has all the long songs of the tour.
Genesis released the second part of their live album from the We Can't Dance tour in January 1993. The Way We Walk: The Longs was mainly for the long-term fans of the band.
The extremely successful 1992 open air world tour and the theatre tour that followed in the UK prompted several releases. The first of these was volume 1 of The Way We Walk - The Shorts.
Live-Double-album of the 2007 Turn It On Again-Tour.
Review available
Some say it is one of the best Live-Albums ever. Genesis' Seconds Out became a milestone and also marked the end of the classic years.