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Peter Gabriel: New version of "Make Tomorrow" on Bandcamp

Unheared, alternate recording of this song

Peter Gabriel has today made an alteative version of Make Tomorrow available in his Full Moon Club on Bandcamp.

Make Tomorrow Bandcamp

The promised third track in this full moon cycle was released today. After the expected demo of Excuse Me about two weeks ago (we reported), today there was a somewhat surprising alternative version of Make Tomorrow (from the album OVO), on which Peter sings. This is not the same version that was briefly available a few years ago as part of the Donate for Haiti campaign.
The version now available is just over six minutes long and Full Moon Club subscribers can now listen to or download it from Bandcamp.
We have summarized a list of all Bandcamp extras in a separate article.

published on 19.06.24 19:55 by Christian @ Peter Gabriel

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